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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Idaho International®

Samantha Kerfoot - Top Ten

Mission: Help to educate Teens about teen dating abuse so they can take the steps to prevent abusive relationships in their lives and the lives of their friends and family.


Teen Dating Abuse is serious and can vary from psychological and emotional abuse, to physical abuse, and even sexual abuse. The numbers are alarming—some studies show that one in four teenage girls will be in an abusive relationship. Ninety-five percent of teenage girls in these relationships don't reach out for help. One of these girls may be someone you know!   


Why I chose this issue:  This serious epidemic has been one that I have always known was out there but never really thought of as something I needed to anything about or stand up for.  I now realize after having personal experiences, seeing friends go through it, and hearing the statistics, that it needs to be recognized.  So many people hear about incidences and know about dangerous situations occurring but they refuse to make a stand.  I do not want to be one of those people.  I want to let teens know that they are not alone and they have someone to talk to and feel comfortable around.  I also want friends and family members to be aware of the warning signs and be able to step in and help when needed.


The Warning Signs of Teen Dating Abuse:

 Physical signs of injury
 Truancy, and or dropping out of school
 Failing grades
 Changes in mood or personality
 Use of drugs/alcohol -- where there was no prior use
 Emotional outburst
 Isolation from friends and family


Some of the ways parents can help are:

 Before your teen starts dating, help him or her set up guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

 Discuss with your teen some of the warning signs of potential abusers.

 Provide your teen with a list of local resources that may help him or her get help for themselves and the abuser. This may include      toll free hotlines or local community center programs.

 Teach your teen effective conflict resolution skills and show them other ways to resolve conflict besides physical force.

 Finally, help your teen by validating what he or she is feeling by simply providing an understanding ear and time in meaningful conversation. You can also help the perpetrator by providing resources and encouraging him or her to seek help. Do not allow the perpetrator to play down the violence but help the offending teen to see that violence is not an acceptable way to solve conflicts and show him or her positive alternatives to solve problems.





I want to help make identifying a teen in an abusive relationship easier for parents and friends.  It is important to take into consideration that those steps will most likely be very different for friends trying to help compared to family members stepping in when necessary. As Miss Teen International® 2007 I will continue to bring awareness, and spread the message about this serious epidemic that is affecting so many of today’s teenagers.